13 – Making a world trip with a cruise ship

When people hear the word ‘cruise’, their first association is probably a cruise ship full of retirees and boring days. They also think it is much too expensive for ordinary people, and people there are dressed in luxury clothing all day. There are so many stereotypes about cruises out there, and to be honest, before I went on my first cruise, I thought it is going to be the most boring time of my life, and my parents really had to convince my sister and me to spend our vacation on a cruise ship.

Now I am really thankful that my parents persuaded me to go on this cruise because it was definitely not what I expected. It was much better, and my opinion towards cruises changed. I even think it is one of the best ways to travel around. Why?

Ok, it is true that the passengers on board are not the youngest. There are still more older people going on a cruise than younger ones, but the average of people who are going on a cruise rises every year, and thereby also more young persons are going on a cruise. It also depends on which time one wants to go. In the vacation time there are many families and younger people on a cruise ship. Therefore, it is, of course, more expensive than to go on a cruise in the off-season. The average age on cruises has also advantages for people under 25 in some cruise lines. For example, AIDA is offering cheaper prices for people under this age, and so it is much more affordable than one thinks. Even if one is older than 25, one doesn’t have to pay a fortune. Moreover, when one is travelling with the right people, the average age around one doesn’t play a big role anymore. The clothing on cruises are also not luxury or extraordinary. It is just like a normal vacation in a hotel with the difference that the hotel is a huge ship.

However, for me, the best advantage of cruises is travelling to different destinations during one trip. Now many people will probably say that this is also possible without going on a cruise. Yes, but while one is on the way to the next destination, one does not need to waste the time with waiting like in trains, buses, cars or airplanes. A cruise ship is like an own town at the sea. There are so many possibilities of spending one’s time, like going shopping, doing sports, going swimming, going to different restaurants and different bars, seeing shows and any kind of imaginable activities.

I am sure that there is a fitting cruise line and cruise ship for everyone because there are so many differences between cruise lines and also between the ships itselfs. That is why there is, for sure, at least one ship which fulfills the expectations of everyone’s different wishes.

As one can see, I am a great fan of cruises now, and so I got the idea to make a world trip with a cruise ship once. Of course this is one of my more expensive dreams, and it will be hard work to fulfill it, but I still have much time. I will see what the future might bring.


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