15 – Putting out to sea with the Titanic II

In the past years, there were several projects to recreate the Titanic but all projects failed. Then in 2013, the Australian millionaire Clive Palmer came up with the idea to build the Titanic II and put the plan also into action. His idea of a second Titanic in relation to the real Titanic is to build a second ship which is as similar to the RMS Titanic as possible.

He has told that there will be three different classes, like on the Titanic, which will also be strongly divided. People in the first class will not be allowed to use facilities which are made for people in the third class. The whereabouts at the ship are tried to be imitated as well as possible, and people who are going on the cruise will obtain the same clothing for each class like it was common in 1912. However, internet reception will be available, and an important difference between the Titanic and the Titanic II is that there are going to be enough lifeboats with higher standard, and the safety in general is going to be better. Of course there are also no workers under deck anymore for expediting the ship. The Titanic II is going to be powered with diesel.

Already in 2013, constructions for the Titanic II were made in Hamburg. The costs for the ship are estimated at approximately 200 million US dollars. From 2014 until presumably 2018 it is build in Shanghai. It is planned that the ship is doing its maiden voyage in 2018, and like the Titanic its first trip is going to be from Southampton to New York where the ship will hopefully arrive.

I think this is an interesting way to experience how the Titanic was like and to feel how life was when the RMS Titanic put out to sea. However, for persons on average wage it will probably not be possible to go on a cruise with this ship in the first years because it will presumably be much too expensive even if one only wants to travel in third class.

 Titanic 2

14 – Going to the Blue Lagoon in Iceland

Iceland is popular for its variety of animals like Icelandic horses, many species of birds, for example, the common puffin, and numerous cetacean species. Furthermore, its unique, untouched nature with volcanoes, geysers and glaciers is worth visiting. Therefore, going there is one of my dreams. One of the sights I absolutely want to visit is the Blue Lagoon near Reykjavik.

The lake was formed as a waste product of a geothermal power station which is using the energy of a volcano nearby. The mixture of sea- and freshwater is pumped to the surface for the generation of electricity and the operation of a district heating grid and flows afterwards to the created lava field of the volcano. The lagoon has an area of 5000 square meters, and its water has a temperature of approximately 37 to 39 degrees. The blue-white color is produced from silicic acid which is part of the silica in the Blue Lagoon.

The silica-mud cleans the skin and eliminates the dead skin scales. Besides silica, the lake contains blue-green algae and mineral salts. The algae give the skin nutrients and make the skin smooth. Mineral salts have a relaxing and balancing effect. In addition, the water of the Blue Lagoon has also a healing effect because it provably eases psoriasis and other skin diseases.

On the other hand, one has to be aware that the active volcanoes there, which are the cause of this healing lagoon, could always erupt and endanger people and animals living in Iceland and beyond through its lava, the smoke and the toxic gases involved.

However, if one wants to go there, there is no direct danger because safety and warning instructions are given early enough.

By the way, the streets and the sidewalks in Reykjavik are heated through wastewater pipes which are laid under the streets. I think this is definitely also worth visiting.

Blue Lagoon

13 – Making a world trip with a cruise ship

When people hear the word ‘cruise’, their first association is probably a cruise ship full of retirees and boring days. They also think it is much too expensive for ordinary people, and people there are dressed in luxury clothing all day. There are so many stereotypes about cruises out there, and to be honest, before I went on my first cruise, I thought it is going to be the most boring time of my life, and my parents really had to convince my sister and me to spend our vacation on a cruise ship.

Now I am really thankful that my parents persuaded me to go on this cruise because it was definitely not what I expected. It was much better, and my opinion towards cruises changed. I even think it is one of the best ways to travel around. Why?

Ok, it is true that the passengers on board are not the youngest. There are still more older people going on a cruise than younger ones, but the average of people who are going on a cruise rises every year, and thereby also more young persons are going on a cruise. It also depends on which time one wants to go. In the vacation time there are many families and younger people on a cruise ship. Therefore, it is, of course, more expensive than to go on a cruise in the off-season. The average age on cruises has also advantages for people under 25 in some cruise lines. For example, AIDA is offering cheaper prices for people under this age, and so it is much more affordable than one thinks. Even if one is older than 25, one doesn’t have to pay a fortune. Moreover, when one is travelling with the right people, the average age around one doesn’t play a big role anymore. The clothing on cruises are also not luxury or extraordinary. It is just like a normal vacation in a hotel with the difference that the hotel is a huge ship.

However, for me, the best advantage of cruises is travelling to different destinations during one trip. Now many people will probably say that this is also possible without going on a cruise. Yes, but while one is on the way to the next destination, one does not need to waste the time with waiting like in trains, buses, cars or airplanes. A cruise ship is like an own town at the sea. There are so many possibilities of spending one’s time, like going shopping, doing sports, going swimming, going to different restaurants and different bars, seeing shows and any kind of imaginable activities.

I am sure that there is a fitting cruise line and cruise ship for everyone because there are so many differences between cruise lines and also between the ships itselfs. That is why there is, for sure, at least one ship which fulfills the expectations of everyone’s different wishes.

As one can see, I am a great fan of cruises now, and so I got the idea to make a world trip with a cruise ship once. Of course this is one of my more expensive dreams, and it will be hard work to fulfill it, but I still have much time. I will see what the future might bring.


12 – Swimming in the Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls are located in Africa between the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia and are one of the seven natural wonders of the world. With a width of 1708 meters, they hold the record for the broadest waterfall worldwide. The falls belong to the World Heritage – natural site of UNESCO since 1989. They were named after the British Queen, Queen Victoria, when the falls where discovered in 1855 by David Livingstone, a Scottish explorer.

The mass of water of the Zambezi River falls 110 meters deep. Because of this depth, one can see the spray mist, which is up to 300 meters high, from a distance of up to 30 kilometers. The fog is the reason for the rainforest at the foot of the falls and also the reason for its African name “Mosi-oa-Tunya” which means, translated, “the smoke that thunders”.

On top of the Victoria Falls, one can have a breathtaking experience. There it is possible to swim in the Devil’s Pool. It is a natural stone pool which is separated from the precipice through a stone wall slightly under the surface of the water. One can reach the pool through the Livingstone-Island in Zambia, but one has to sign in for a guided tour, otherwise it is too dangerous to discover the Devil’s Pool. The tours are offered five times per day with a maximum of 12 people per tour.

At the guided tour, one has to cross a path over rocks and swim through the river to find one’s way to the pool. At this point the guide is important for showing where to swim to avoid rocks and strong currents. After passing the river, one arrives at a rock from which one has to jump into the pool.

However, it is not always possible to swim in the Devil’s Pool because only at the dry season from September to December there is less water flowing to the ground, and so the current is not so strong. The rest of the time it would be too dangerous to swim in it.

I think to swim in the Devil’s Pool is definitely an awesome way to experience the Victoria Falls, and if I get the chance to watch them, I will also go on such a guided tour to swim in this pool.

 Devil's Pool

11 – Swimming in the pool of Marina Bay Sands

The Marina Bay Sands is a Resort at the Marina Bay in Singapore. It was opened in 2010, and its construction cost approximately eight billion Singapore dollars (5,5 billion US Dollars; 4,6 billion Euros). Besides a five star hotel, it contains an Expo and Convention Centre, an ArtScience Museum, two theater halls, various restaurants, bars, nightclubs and an ice rink, which is made of synthetics and doesn’t contain ice because of the high outdoor temperatures in Singapore. Additionally, one can find a shopping mall where also little Venice is located. There are canals through which one can go by boat across the shopping mall. Furthermore, the biggest independent casino worldwide is situated in Marina Bay Sands, which is in total as big as two football fields.

However, the absolute highlight is located at a height of 191 meters on top of the 55-story hotel towers: a 340 meters long roof garden with a 146 meters long negative edge pool. The ‘SkyPark’ is deemed to be the largest observation platform in the world and is longer than the Eiffel Tower’s elevation. Moreover, the negative edge pool is the highest outdoor pool worldwide. When one sees photos of the pool, one will maybe ask if there is a direct precipice. To enlighten, behind the pool one can find a wide water collector and a gangway for employees. So there is no chance to fall in the depth, and it is not dangerous. However, to be able to swim in the pool, one needs to pay a lot of money because it is only available for hotel guests and thereby a sumptuous experience. Even so, I think the stunning view is worth it. The observation deck is also visitable without hotel booking for 23 Singapore Dollars.

I want to go to Singapore not only because of the Marina Bay Sands, but also because it is an interesting city full of countless other sights like the Ferris wheel ‘Singapore Flyer’ directly next to the hotel and the ‘Gardens by the Bay’. The park consists of a huge greenhouse with special glass and a current-saving cooling system in the bottom through which a climate is created that brings the rarest plants to flourish. It is the largest glass greenhouse in the world. Furthermore, one can find ‘Supertrees’ in the park. These trees are redwoods made of steel which are planted with a living wall of orchids and ferns.

Marina Bay Sands with the Supertrees on the left and the glass greenhouse

10 – Christmas in the Philippines

In Asia, the Philippines is the country with the highest percentage of Christians. Approximately 90% of the people there are Christians, and 80% of those are Catholic. Therefore, Christmas is one of the most important holidays in the Philippines.

Furthermore, the Philippine Christmas time is famous for the longest Christmas time in the world. Already in September, one can hear carols in the radio and shops, and the Christmas decorations line up the streets.

The official part of Christmas starts in the morning of December 16. From this day on, there are nine masses in the evening or early morning until December 24. This novena is called ‘Simbang Gabi’ (Night Worship) or ‘Misa de Gallo’ (Rooster’s Mass). The last mass of the novena at December 24 is the Midnight Mass in the evening. This mass is followed by a feast called ‘Noche Buena’. The feast is usually celebrated with family and friends, and many people stay awake all night into Christmas day. The Christmas time lasts until January 6, the Feast of Epiphany or Three Kings.

People in the Philippines also have Christmas trees, but usually they are made out of plastic. One tradition there is making ‘Parols’. These are star lanterns made from thin strips of bamboo which are covered in colored cellophane papers. It symbolizes the guiding star which the three wise men followed to find Jesus Christ.


The reason why I absolutely want to go in the Philippines is simply because my boyfriend is a Filipino, and I want to learn about his culture and become acquainted with his family and friends. So I would like to get to know about his life there in general, but spending Christmas with my boyfriend is of course one of the biggest dreams I have. Probably, going to the Philippines will be one of the next trips I will make, and maybe my dream will already become true next year.


Maligayang Pasko – Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten

8 – Seeing the Pope

I live in a Catholic area in Germany, and so I also belong to the majority of Catholics living there. People in my village are especially religious. For me, my village seems to be the most religious one in our region. Because here, plenty of us still go to church every Sunday, also younger persons like me. I think this got rarer over the last years.

So it was also a great event when the ‘old’ German Pope, who is now retired, visited our little administrative district called ‘Eichsfeld’ in Thuringia, Germany in September 2011. He landed 20 kilometers away from my village. We never believed that a pope is visiting our insignificant region, and it was like a marvel for us.

Since 2013 we have a new pope, and I like his humility and his support for the poor. I also would like to see him once, preferably in Vatican City. I want to be part of an audience in front of the Vatican at the ‘St. Peters Square’ in Rome with thousands of other Christians once in my life like my sister did this year. She told me that it was an incredible feeling.

Maybe I will also participate in the World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland 2016 with some of my friends. I think it is really interesting to meet young people from all over the world with the same faith.

Vatikan / Rundreise

7 – Thrills on the Macau Tower

The Macau Tower is located in the city of Macao which is approximately 50 kilometers away from Hong Kong, China. It is a 338 meters high television tower.

The tower consists of five observation decks. One of the decks is actually a restaurant that can rotate around its own axis. Moreover, the decks of the tower have glass floors through which visitors can look down to the ground. Furthermore, one can go up to the radio mast. Special activities of the Macau Tower are the ‘Skywalk X’, the ‘Sky Jump’ and the ‘Bungee Jump’ that visitors can try at a height of 223 meters. To do the ‘Skywalk’ you have to leave the observation deck and walk onto an outer ring. Even though there is no handrail, you are secured with belts. The ‘Sky Jump’ or the ‘Bungee Jump’ is offered for even braver people from there.

In contrast to the ‘Bungee Jump’, the ‘Sky Jump’ regulates the fall due to a special technique which prevents the spring back of the rope, and the flight is slowed down to 75 km/h. Because of the deceleration, one jump lasts 20 seconds. One can also experience the ‘Sky Jump’ in sets of two which is then named ‘Tandem Sky Jump’. It is the second highest jump in the world after it was beaten by the ‘SkyJump’ of the ‘Vegas Stratosphere’ in Las Vegas with a height of 260 meters.

The ‘Bungee Jump’, by contrast, is proceeded unbroken with a speed of 200 km/h over a period of four or five seconds. It is the highest ‘Bungee Jump’ worldwide which is offered.

Anyhow, I would like to walk along the ‘Skywalk’, and actually I would rather do the ‘Bungee Jump’ than the ‘Sky Jump’, but I am not sure yet if I will be brave enough.

Macau Tower

6 – Danger for the Fiji Islands

My mom visited the Fiji Islands in 2004, and she is enthusiastic about the unique and wide variety of the nature and also the animals which live there. She inspired me to go there once in my life too.

The Fiji Archipelago is one of the earth’s most biodiverse waters. Off the coast there is the third largest barrier reef called the Great Sea Reef. This is home for sea dwellers like tortoises, spinner dolphins, grey reef sharks and all species of coral fishes. Furthermore, many cetacean species and species of dolphin are passing the Great Sea Reef.

However, over the previous years, there appear to have been more environmental problems in the Fiji Islands. Due to the climatic change, the islands are increasingly threatened by the rising sea level, the changing amount of precipitation, and storm surges. Moreover, the uncontrollable and illegal haul of tunas with trawls and long line fishery endanger the life in the water. Because of the fishing methods, there are not only tunas which find its way into the net, but also many other sea dwellers. Due to the nearly fished-out seas, the coral-world is heavily affected. Besides, through the slash-and-burn method, to gain agricultural land, and the deforestation of mangrove forests, which are hatcheries for fish, huge parts of the rainforest of Fiji drop away.

The WWF is now starting to help the population and to preserve the biodiversity of nature and animals. As a measure to stop over-fishing, there are now marine sanctuaries to protect from the exploitation of the ocean world and to retain the livelihoods of the population. Traditions have changed in favor of the animal world. So, tortoises are not eaten anymore at weddings. Instead, they are set free now. In addition, sustainable fishing methods were developed. Fishermen are using circle hooks now to prevent the by-catch of, for example, tortoises. Also, slash-and-burn methods were illegalized and are punished with a fine, and the reforestation of the mangrove forest has started as well.

6 - fiji

5 – Safari tour in Africa

A safari tour might not seem special to most of you. Most of you probably associate it with a Jeep tour, driving through the wilderness and watching animals and nature. This is not what I want to do.

I would like to make a tour with a tent, a trip which lasts around two or three weeks. It is a guided tour. Although I actually do not like guided tours, because I rather discover everything on my own, I think it would be an advantage to have someone beside you who is familiar with the nature. Of course it is also possible to experience the wildness without camping there and staying in a hotel during the night.

I would rather choose the version with the tent because then you are not just watching it, you are a part of it. One is closer to the nature, closer to the animals and closer to an adventure. I mean, is there a better and deeper way to learn about your surroundings and the country you are located? I guess not.

My preferred country for a discovery is Namibia. I do not really know why, I think just because it sounds interesting, and I heard about the large variety of nature and animals.