7 – Thrills on the Macau Tower

The Macau Tower is located in the city of Macao which is approximately 50 kilometers away from Hong Kong, China. It is a 338 meters high television tower.

The tower consists of five observation decks. One of the decks is actually a restaurant that can rotate around its own axis. Moreover, the decks of the tower have glass floors through which visitors can look down to the ground. Furthermore, one can go up to the radio mast. Special activities of the Macau Tower are the ‘Skywalk X’, the ‘Sky Jump’ and the ‘Bungee Jump’ that visitors can try at a height of 223 meters. To do the ‘Skywalk’ you have to leave the observation deck and walk onto an outer ring. Even though there is no handrail, you are secured with belts. The ‘Sky Jump’ or the ‘Bungee Jump’ is offered for even braver people from there.

In contrast to the ‘Bungee Jump’, the ‘Sky Jump’ regulates the fall due to a special technique which prevents the spring back of the rope, and the flight is slowed down to 75 km/h. Because of the deceleration, one jump lasts 20 seconds. One can also experience the ‘Sky Jump’ in sets of two which is then named ‘Tandem Sky Jump’. It is the second highest jump in the world after it was beaten by the ‘SkyJump’ of the ‘Vegas Stratosphere’ in Las Vegas with a height of 260 meters.

The ‘Bungee Jump’, by contrast, is proceeded unbroken with a speed of 200 km/h over a period of four or five seconds. It is the highest ‘Bungee Jump’ worldwide which is offered.

Anyhow, I would like to walk along the ‘Skywalk’, and actually I would rather do the ‘Bungee Jump’ than the ‘Sky Jump’, but I am not sure yet if I will be brave enough.

Macau Tower

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